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April 30/97

Mr. J.W. Kendrick,
St. Paul, Minn.

My dear Mr. Kendrick:
Your letter of 20th inst. came during my absence, hence this late reply. I greatly like your suggestion of coming to Detroit on one of the Northern steamships early in the summer and I should be very glad indeed to see you and also Mr. Bradstreet, whom I hope you will bring with you. I have had the pleasure of meeting the gentleman in New York but never have had the opportunity of seeing him as I would like, in my own house, and the three of us could spend a couple of days here together with much enjoyment I think. So I shall look forward to your coming and shall hope to receive later a definite appointment from you.

With personal regards,
Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-18 02:30:53