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May 18/97.

Mr. P. Palumbo,

Ravello, (Presso a Naples) Italy

Dear Sir:

During the [[autumn ?]] of [[Apr ?]] I had myself the pleasure of calling upon you at Ravello and shall always remember your hospitality and kindness. You may recall that at that time you kindly sold me nine dozen bottles of your excellent wine and you said to me then that if I would let you know whenever I wanted any more or would send word through my [[partner?]] Bellinetti, you would if you had any in stock fill my order. I am now waiting to ascertain if you can duplicate my last purchase. That is, can you send me three cases each of Episcopio Syrah[[?]], Episcopio Blasetrella, and Episcapico Rosse? If you have do stock good vintages of these wines, I would be very glad indeed to have you send me at once three dozen bottles of each.

Please reasign the shipment to C. L. Freer, 33 Perry Ave., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A., case [[?]] Dispatch Transportation Co, at New York City.

Detroit is a port of entry, and if you assign the freight this way, it will come in bond direct to Detroit and can be taken from the custom house here right in my residence without the interposition of shipping agents. Only be careful that you ship the wine to send no tavern[[?]] in duplicate with bill of [[sales?]], so that I can pay the custom duties here.

If you prefer to send the [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] of the wine, you may do so and I will remit prices to shipment. If not, let your invoice come in the regular way and I can [[?]] emit you exchange on Naples promptly.

Hoping you are very well, I remain
Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-21 19:53:11