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June 24/97.

My dear Mr. Watson:

I regret that unusual pressure of other matters has prevented earlier acknowledgment of your letters of May 29 and June 4.

The description of the boxes and gods given in yours of 29th and covered by invoice accompanying letter is very interesting, and I have no doubt that the goods will please me greatly. I have heard from the New York agents that it is expected to clear the goods soon, so I trust to receive them here shortly. I take pleasure in sending you inclosed herewith draft on London far L 48-17-6 in settlement of the account, and beg you to accept my thanks for the attention given this commission. 

The marble Buddha and ball referred to in yours of June 4 are doubtless of great interest, but they are booth much larger than I have room for, so I must deny myself the privilege of purchasing either of them. I am however none the less obliged to you for having called my attention to them. 

I presume you are having a thoroughly good time this week. How gay London must be, and how delightful a change from the conditions which prevailed in Bombay during the last winter! I am very glad that you have met my Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Graves, in London and have no doubt you will will see considerable of them during the summer as I understand it is their intention to remain in England for a year or more. I expect to be in Detroit until next autumn, when, if fortune favors me, I shall have a little outing in the  country lasting two or three weeks. Aside from this little vacation I shall doubtless continue in the harness until some time next year when I desire to see more of Japan with possibly a hasty trip to Corea. 

With personal regards, I remain, 
Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Mr. J. Proctor Watson
128 Oxford St.,
London, Eng.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-19 16:11:42 filled in blanks, removed [[signature]] this is not required, also signature is Charles L Freer not Charles Lang Freer, pls transcribe as written per instructions ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-20 18:08:21 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-21 20:09:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-24 12:37:08 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-24 21:25:17