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July 22/97

My dear Mr. Gellatley: 

Absence from home has prevented earlier arrangements of the receipt of the charming engraving by French after Dewing's painting "Comedia" owned by you, also early reply to yours of 15th inst. 

The proof of the engraving is so immensely superior to the results of the block as they appeared in the "Century" I can scarcely fancy they could have been printed from one source. I shall enjoy the engraving and will be delighted to receive copies of the photographs to come later. I do not know how I can repay your kindness, but the thought has occurred to me that possibly you are without a copy of the Kurts photograph of Dewing's portrait of his little daughter - I mean the one which I own. If this is so and you will accept a copy, I will be very glad indeed to furnish it. Of course, in offering you this photograph of Elizabeth's portrait I do not console myself that it compensates for what you have sent me, but as a lover of Dewing's work I thought you might care for it. 

Referring to the horses mentioned, the pair Dewing told possessed were offered me last year and I do not think I have ever seen their equal. They are named by a very wealthy man in Ohio, who I understand prizes them as his rarest possession next to his wife. In a day or two I expect to see the man who offered me this treat, and it may be that he knows of another pair suitable for your own. I will be delighted to make inquiry and will let you know further as soon as I can see him I shall feel almost inclined to tell you that the finest team in existence is within a stone's throw of my house, even if there is not a horse within a mile of there, because I know of no other way of getting you to Detroit and having the 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-19 16:24:56 not 'squid' but 'equal' - lots of missing words and incorrect words,