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August 14th, 1897,

Mr. J. Proctor Watson,
428 Oxford Street, London, England.

My dear Mr. Watson:-

As a matter of information to you I desire you to know that in my judgment, Messrs Pitt and Scott, your agents in New York, are perfectly outrageous in their charges. In future kindly bear in mind that under no circumstances hereafter should this firm have anything whatever to do with my shipments.

Below I hand you statement of bill paid by me to the United States Express Company for their account on the Burmese Silver Casket, which is exclusive of duty.

C.O.D. Charges, ------------------- $10.30
Express Charges N.Y. to Detroit ---    .80
Return Money Charges --------------    .25 --- $11.35

With personal regards,

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
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