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September 15th, 1897.

Mr. George F. Tasche,
Ass't For'n Agent, M.D.T.Co.,
1 and 3 Beaver Street, New York City.

Dear Sir:-

I am in receipt of your favor of the 13th instant advising me that the invoice for the wine, which I enclosed to you with my letter of the eighth instant, being made out to me at Detroit, permitted a bond entry at your port, and that the wine has been forwarded to me here in bond, and beg to thank you for your kind attention to the matter.

Will you kindly advise me if the invoice above named has been sent to the Customs Authorities at Detroit, and if not, will you please forward it to me as this is the only invoice I received and presume I shall need it in clearing the wine here.

Yours truly,
Charles L Freer