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4800 M.
Michigan Peninsular Car Co.
Michigan Car Department
West Detroit, Mich

West Detroit, Mich

Sept. 28/97

Mr. John W. Beattie,
Director, Carnegie Art Galleries,
Pittsburgh, Pa.

Dear Sir:

Earlier reply to our favor of 24th Inst. prevented by my absence. I am glad to know that you have found it possible to secure for your next exhibition contributions of Whistler's work from the collections of Messrs. Pope and Johnston. I shall be glad to send you "The Balcony" and the "South Hampton Nocturne". Messrs. Hanna & Noyes of our city are altogether the most satisfactory packers here and I would prefer to have them handle my pictures.

Wishing yourself and Mr. Caldwell every success in your efforts to bring together an important group of Whitler's work, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

Transcription Notes:
Only parts of the first stamp are legible. Instead of fragmenting the parts of the text, I've classified it as [[Obscured]] in hopes that other volunteer may decipher more of the stamp, perhaps finding a cleared version of the stamp in another page might be the key. The second stamp seems entirely ineligible to my understanding, and I classified it [[Obscured]] as well. ------ The second stamp is backwards, bleedthrough from the back of the page, not on this page itself. Removed it. Decifered a lot of the rest of the stamp using references from the bottom part of the stamp which were legible. The top line of the bottom part is still super faded and I can't read it. Leaving this open in hopes someone else can. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-26 09:04:30