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Dec. 15/96.

Mr. Rufus E. Moore
33 Union Sq., New York.

My dear Mr. Moore:

I regret exceedingly that I found it absolutely impossible to call upon you again, to say nothing of a dinner call at your home, before leaving New York. The fact is I got so completely absorbed with matters in hand, together with the call to Boston, that it made it utterly impossible to see you again.

Will you kindly forward a few purchases as follows:

One small King Kore, $16.00 to Mr. T. N. Ely, Chief of Motive power, Penne R.R., Philadelphia, Pa.

One gray crackle Kore with silver top and stand, $50.00, to Mr. Geo B. Harris, 513 North State St., Chicago, Ill.

One tea bowl, $10.00, to Mr. Wm. P. Appleyard, 134 Spring St., New Haven, Conn.
Inclosed herewith you will find envelopes containing cards to go with each gift. Send the cards, please, and destroy the envelopes. Also kindly prepay charges and include all in invoice to me.

The package for Chicago should start about the 21st inst. and the ones for New Haven and Philadelphia, say the 22nd or 23rd inst.

With kind regards to yourself and Mrs. Moore and again thanking you for your kind hospitality, I remain, 

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

Transcription Notes:
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