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April 19th, 1898.

My dear Hooper:-

I have your note of 18th instant and in reply would, say that I gave up keeping horses over a year ago and have on my hands now a Brougham, Park Wagon, Carriage and similar fittings to those mentioned in your letter, and I really don't know what to do with them. I used to take considerable pleasure in driving but latterly I have cared nothing for it, particularly in the city. If I live in the country I should keep perhaps one fair team of horses to knock about with but I have had all the experience I care for with high steppers and carefully kept up with rigs. I am feeling some better this morning, but am not yet able to leave my house.

Sincerely yours, 
[[signature]]Charles L Freer[[/signature]]

Alfred Hooper, Esq.,
Care Berry Brothers, 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-21 17:37:08