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April 26/98.

Edward S, Hull, Jr., Esq.,
31 Nassau St., New York.

My dear Sir:
I have your letter of the 21st inst. and note your acceptance of my offer of $500.00 for the thirty seven prints mentioned in my recent letter to you. In taking a final look at the prints last evening prior to returning them to you I find a few more which I think I might as well keep, so that I have retained the following:

No. 999, Harunobu, $20.00
790, Harunobu, 35.00
124) Hiroshige, 10.00
124) Hiroshige, 10.00
1357, Hiroshige, 12.50
1348, Hiroshige, 12.50
1693) Masanobu, 30.00
Total, $130.00

I consider as a fair price for these seven prints $77.00, and I am taking to liberty of fixing one print believing it will be acceptable to you, and hereby enclose check draft on N.Y., payable to your order, for $517.00, which combined with my previous check for $[[583]].00 makes $1100.00 for the entire lot of prints. [[?]] have purchased [[?]] basic [[?]] entirely agreeable [[?]]

I think in the lot of the prints [[?]]

Transcription Notes:
Rest of page is very faded, needs finishing Managed to read some more but bottom is super faded. May be illegible. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-24 20:17:06 the number 583 is a guess based of calculation ($1100-$517) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-26 09:12:29