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May 11/98.

Mr. Edward S. Hull, Jr.,
31 Nassau St., New York.

My dear Sir:

Your letter of 9th inst. was received this morning and I wired you at once that I would be in New York on Friday of next week, the 20th inst., and that at that time I would be pleased, if convenient to you, to inspect the Kakemono and pottery mentioned.

I am to arrive in New York on Wednesday afternoon of next week, the 18th, but the hour will be too late to admit of examining paintings. On Thursday I shall be occupied with business engagements, but Friday I expect to have considerable time, and if you will let me know in advance, either at Detroit or to the Waldorf Hotel the
hour and place of meeting on Friday, I will be much obliged to you.

In the mean time, if Mr. Haviland desires to purchase any of the paintings or pottery, do not let possible purchases by me interfere. By this I mean that, while I appreciate your desire to show me the articles first and to give me the first privilege of buying, I would not want you to run the risk of missing possible sales to Mr. Haviland.

With kind regards I remain,
Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer