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May 17/98

Mr. Edward S. Hall. Jr.,

51 Nassau St., New York.

My dear Sir:

I have carefully considered the proposition made in your favor of the 10th inst. concerning the Kakemono Nos. 62 762, and 75 and have decided to accept the same, although I am confident that I am paying at least $50.00 more than I should.  Still, it is always a difficult matter to fix the price for an art object.

No. 769 will be returned to you by express, charges prepaid, care of the Lincoln Storage Warehouse, 42nd St., New York City. No. 70, the small Hokusai, I will take with me to New York and deliver the same to you on Friday next.

Inclosed herewith I take pleasure in handing you voucher and check for $350.00 in payment for the three Kakemono above referred to. Kindly receipt and return the voucher at your early convenience.

Yours truly,
Charles L Freer