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June 28/98.
Mr. William G. Mather,
C/o The Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co.,
Cleveland, O.

Dear Sir: 
Absence from home has prevented earlier reply to your courteous letter of the 22nd inst.
I am glad that my little place on Ferry Ave. pleased you, but I regret very much indeed that I was not at home at the time you were here. My house was designed by Mr. Wilson Eyre, Jr., of Philadelphia -- his address is 927 Chestnut St. Should you at any time have occasion to require the services of an architect in domestic architecture, you will find Mr. Eyre, should you apply to him, a man in whom you can place the utmost reliance. He is first of all an artist, and what is unusual, he possesses in addition to the artistic temperament thoroughly practical ideas and is thoroughly honest. He has built three houses for me and also made the plans for a club house, for a committee of which I happened to be chairman on plans.
The planting of my little garden is the result of the co-operation of a number of minds. The original outlines and color schemes were created by my good friend, T. W. Dewing, the well known American painter. He has continued his interest in the work, and I have also received suggestions and assistance from several of my other artist friends in New York.
Should you at any time have any landscape work of this kind or of even greater importance to undertake, you could do no better than to call to your aid my friend, Mr. Charles A. Platt, 107 East 27th St., New York. At my suggestion, Mr. Platt's services were secured by Col. Hecker about one year ago to beautify a tract of 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-19 14:04:33