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there. In addition to the box cars there will be a fair sized lot of 50,000# coal cars also purchased by Mr. Burt. our negotiations have been conducted by wire, and Mr. Burt is to-day en route from Portland, Or., to San Fransisco.
As yet we have not met with any disappointments in buying our material, and I think we shall do a little better than our estimates on a considerable amount of the material. Lumber of course is high and is extremely scarce, and it seems to me the worst obstacle before us is that of keeping the shops supplied with lumber. We shall probably have to buy some bar iron, but generally speaking we see our way clear to keep the two departments in active operation for some time to come. 
I hope you are not doing too much travelling during these hot days. There is a great deal of sadness here to-day over the Santiago fight. We are all much worries over Shafter's telegram calling for a hospital ship, etc. Am afraid you are going to have your hands and mini well filled with many troublesome things for some time to come.
The order of work inclosed herewith will show you what we have marked out. We do not however expect to get quite us good results from the shops as we are asking for.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,

Col. Frank J. Hecker,
C/o Gen. R. A. Alger, Sec'y of War,
Washington, D.C.