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July 7th, 1898.


been obtained and a better decision can then be reached.

I have had two long interviews yesterday and to-day with Kelsey, our New York stockholder. I doubt if we will hear much more from him hereafter, at least I hope not.

A telegram has just been received from Burt of the Union Pacific, sent from Morgan, Utah, copy of which I enclose herewith and which explains itself. I wonder who the successful bidder is. The taking of the Northern Pacific order absorbed part of the space we had promised him, and as the profit asked was small, we have not lost very much. We have said to him by wire that when he gets ready to consider the cars of heavier capacity we will be glad to negotiate with him. 

I have had two visits from Raskell and his to be here again tomorrow. I am inclined to think we can get some money out of him by next week, although I can tell better after my interview to-morrow.

The weather here this week has been very comfortable, but I fear it has been very hot at Washington. You are not exposing yourself too much to the heat nor working too had I trust.

With best wishes, The Albert Pack note is paid.
Sincerely yours, 
Charles L Freer

The young man whom Baron Vandergaurd wrote you about is not promising in connection or looks but I am going to try him at work in the shops on Monday next. Probably in the Stores Dept.