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Dec. 22/96.

Mr Y. Nomura,
16 Shimohelyemoncho
Asakusa Ku, Tokio, Japan.

My dear Sir:

I have your letter of Nov. 22 and am glad to hear from you again, also to receive the two very pretty Christmas cards.

I think you acted very wisely in remaining in the employ of Messrs. A. A. Van Tine & Co. Their store in New York is large and deals in such a variety of goods that I should think their field for your services would be sufficiently broad to give you an opportunity to display your best abilities, which in the end should redound very much to your credit. I would seriously advise you to continue in their service as long as possible.

I take it for granted that your health is all right, and as you did not mention Mrs. Nomura in your letter I fancy she is enjoying good health also. As for myself, I am well and busy.

I have just had a visit from Mr. Shugio, who landed in San Francisco some ten days ago. When you see Mr. Sano, give him my best wishes and tell him I remember his visit here with much pleasure and hope that he will come again. I am not certain concerning my own movements but hope to see Japan again ere many months are past. I appreciate your willingness to execute any commissions I may have and shall of course remember you in the event of wanting anything. You understand it is pretty difficult for me to [illegible] a thing without seeing it.

With personal regards to yourself and Mrs. Nomura, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L. 

Transcription Notes:
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