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Aug. 2/98.

Mr. Edward A. Gott,
70 Griswold St., City.

My dear Mr. Gott:

I have been called to New York and am leaving for that city at six o'clock to-night and am not likely to return before the early part of next week. In the mean time, I am writing you my decision in connection with the proposition you made me a few days ago in order that you may not be delayed in your negotiations with others during my absence.

After having thought the matter over carefully, I am satisfied that the possibilities of the business are even greater than named by you, and for any one seeking an investment a better opening would be hard to find. A day or two ago another matter was offered to me which was too attractive to refuse, and I invested in it all the funds I shall have to spare this year. I have made it a rule for some years to borrow no money and I would not care to change my practice now, consequently I must refrain from joining you in the enterprise. I have no doubt you will find others equally desirable, and wishing you every success in the business, I remain,

Yours sincerely,
Charles L Freer