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Aug. 12/98.

My dear Mr. Moore:

Thanks for your letter of 10th inst. and for the trouble you have taken to find the beryl. Miss Hamilton says she would prefer the smaller stone, that is, the one of 1 1/2 carats. Please have it set in gold in the best style, the size of the ring to be what is known as U.S. Standard Jewelers' size No. six. 

I note what you say concerning Mansfield's disappointment over the little bowl. If he has any feeling in the matter, please say to him that I will pass the bowl over to his tender care if he desires it. At the time I bought it I remember you said that Mansfield admired it, but supposed if he cared to purchase it he would have done so when the opportunity offered. What is that about a man being lost who hesitates?

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

Mr. R. E. Moore,
35 Union Sq., New York.