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August 30th, 1898.

Mr. S. D. Coykendall,
Rondout, Ulster County, New York.

My dear Mr. Coykendall:-

During the last year or two discoveries of marl have been made in the state of Michiga [[Michigan]], out of which it is said an excellent grade of cement is being manufactured. Some friends of mine are interesting themselves in securing lands upon which the marl is found and I have been invited to join in the enterprise. Before going deeply into the matter, I would like to have some thoroughly qualified expert examine into the nature of the marl and also make tests of the cement now being produced. It has occurred to me that possibly you know some man competent and reliable for this expert work. May I ask if you do, also if you will put me in communication with such a party?

Thanking you in advance, and with kindest regards,
I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
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