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September 3rd, 1898.

Mr. Edward S. Hull, Jr.,
31 Nassau Street, New York City.
My dear Mr. Hull:-
I have at last had an opportunity to look through the last lot of prints received and have selected the following numbers, which I am willing to purchase if the proposition made below is acceptable to you, viz:-
No.D:45 your price $40.00
   D.69, do 40.00
   D.55, do 50.00
   D.75, do 75.00
   D.39, do 50.00
Total, $255.00
for which I offer you two hundred dollars ($200.00). These you will observe are all Fenellosso prints and I have deducted about twenty per cent as authorized in yours of August 22nd.
The following numbers are Kobiaychi prints and the quality, I find after most careful scrutiny, does not average nearly as well as the Fennellosso lot. The numbers and your prices are as follows:-
No. 1467, your price, $60.00
59/1655, do 125.00
11/1732, do 90.00
94/1488, do 80.00
368, do 15.00
818, do 20.00
58/1452, do 140.00
1451, do 150.00
1553, do 100.00
702, do 100.00
1537, do 90.00
1094, do 20.00
261, do 40.00
8/2115, do 1.00
Total $1031.00