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September 6th, 1898.

Mr. Edward S. Hull, Jr.,
31 Nassau Street, New York City.

My dear Mr. Hull:-
I have your letter of second instant returning voucher for six hundred dollars and I note your correction of the account. The details you give of the transaction explain the matter fully and I now quite remember that $650.00 was to be the price of the books I kept. When I offered $600.00 for the lot, I made that notation on the memorandum from which the voucher was made, hence the error. I should have corrected the same to $650.00 when you made that final price. Thank you very much for having called my attention to the error. I am sending you new vouchers in accordance with your request and draft on New York for $100.00 payable to your order in settlement of the account to date. Please send out the additional book, #617, at your early convenience.
In reply to your postscript concerning the screens. I have not yet decided. I would like to own the screens very much and I believe them to be a remarkably fine pair, but having in mind the prints mentioned in my letter of 3rd instant also the Fennelosso kakemonos, which are still to come and which I hope to bargain for with you, I may find ere I get through that I will be spending more than I ought to. After the prints and the kakemonos have been arranged for I will consider more fully the screens. 
Yours very truly
Charles L Freer