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Dear Dewing:

Col. Hecker is a candidate for admission to the Union League Club of New York and his name is soon to come before the Committee on Admissions. Of course after having allowed his name to go before the Club, Col. Hecker is very anxious to get through with as much strength as possible. In looking over the names of the Committee on Admissions I find that of Mr. David Bennett King, whom you know very well and who is a great friend of White, Reed, St. Gaudens, and the “gang”. Won’t you pass the word around to such of the fellows as you think would have influence with King, telling them to tell King the sort of man the Colonel is. You know perfectly well that unless a man’s merits are known to the members of the Committee on Admissions of the Union League and several other clubs, particularly the former, there is little or no chance of election. If you can stir up some good feeling on behalf of the Colonel, he will appreciate it greatly and of course you know I will also.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. T. W. Dewing
Room 10, 162 West 55th St.,
New York.