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Sept. 26/98.

My dear Matsuki:

I received your telegram sent from Vancouver and was glad to know of your safe landing and am greatly obliged for having attended to that matter for me while in Japan. On receipt of your message I immediately wired you to Vancouver asking you to return by way of Detroit and spend a few days with me before going to Boston, but my telegram reached Vancouver after you had left.

In a few days I shall go to Hot Springs, Va., for an autumn outing and am not likely to return home until about Nov. 1, after which I hope for the pleasure of meeting you either in Detroit or Boston. There is a number of things I want to talk with you about.

I hope your visit to your home land proved delightful, and financially successful as well. I presume you will be laden with beautiful things as soon as they have passed the customs. Did you find any fine Tamba bottles such as you secured for Sir William a year ago? How is Shugio? and our other mutual friends in Kioto?

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

Mr. Bunkio Matsuki,
12 Laurel St., 
Salem, Mass.