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Sept. 26/98.

Mr. W. H. Ketcham,
C/o Arthur Tooth & Sons,
299 Fifth Ave., New York.

Dear Mr. Ketcham:

I have had a splendid opportunity during the last two days to examine the books of prints received from you, and after having studied and compared them with the prints in my own collection I have decided that it would be wiser to purchase none of the lot. To me they seem much finer than the average prints purchasable anywhere to-day, and still they are not fine enough to thoroughly interest me. I am searching now for quality and in this respect none of the lot particularly interest me. I am however greatly obliged to you for having let me see them, and they will be returned to you to-morrow by express, charges prepaid.

Again thanking you, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

P.S. Your price list is returned herewith.