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Sept. 26/98.

Mr. Edward A. Gott,
Newberry Building, City.

My dear Mr. Gott:

Referring to Miss Leiter's letter of the 23rd inst. and my conversation with you of this morning: 

I beg to say that I am willing to purchase the $1,000.00 par value Michigan-Peninsular preferred stock at par as soon as the transfer can be legally made. As explained to you this morning, I am purchasing this stock for the purpose of aiding a very needy person: in other words, it is an act of charity. If you will kindly let me know when the necessary legal steps have been taken, I will be pleased to complete the purchase.

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer  

P.S. Miss Leiter's letter is returned herewith.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-20 12:21:11