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Sept. 30/98.

My dear Morse:

Your note of the 16th inst. and a copy of the Japanese "Art Folio" were duly received, but a great pressure of work has prevented earlier attention. To-day I am returning the "Folio" to you and I beg you to accept my thanks for having called my attention to it. I have written to both Shugio and Ogawa and have sent three subscriptions. I hope to obtain more later. I might have hurried this matter more, but presuming that you were absent I thought the difference in time would not make any great difference to you.

I hope you are very well. I am extremely busy and am looking forward with pleasure to my outing at the Hot Springs, which is to begin Oct. 10.

With great wishes to Mrs. Morse and yourself, believe me,

Faithfully yours,
Charles L. Freer

Mr. Charles J. Morse,
1625 Asbury Ave.,
Evanston, Ill.


Transcription Notes:
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