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Oct. 3/98.

Mr. W. M. Greene,
Gen'l M'gr, B. & O.R.R.Co.,
Baltimore, Md.

My dear Mr. Greene:

Your favor of 30th ult. is received and noted. 

Very good: to the Hot Springs of Virginia I will go, and while undergoing treatment for the cleanliness suggested I will not overlook the matter of godliness, for surely if there is any place where it stands me in hand to be supplied with a goodly amount of the latter it is Baltimore, and particularly that spot known as the General Manager's Office, Baltimore & Ohio R.R.

Inasmuch as the question of siding is likely to end in one of our old time battles, would it not be well for you to put yourself in training? for I warn you that I expect to have my muscular system sufficiently developed to keep up my end of the "scrap". Why not join our party at the Hot Springs? We shall arrive there on Tuesday next, and the crowd will consist of Messrs. Ledyard and Russel, Dr. Mann, and myself. We will hustle you over the links and through the baths to your heart's content. My address will be The Homestead, Hot Springs, Va. Drop me a line a day or two before you come so that suitable accommodations can be received. Mint julips ripen best in that locality between Oct. 10 and 25.