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Oct. 5/98.
Dear Mr. Williams:
On my return from Chicago this morning I found in Cal. Hecker's mail your letter, which I return herewith unopened. Since the Colonel entered Uncle Sam's service he has been in Detroit only two or three days and I have been in the habit of forwarding his personal letters to him in care of the War Dep't at Washinton. He contemplated leaving for Cuba on Saturday next but changed his mind yesterday and advised me by wire of his intention to start to-day. As yet I am without any word from him concerning his future address but expect to receive it ere long. When it comes, I will be pleased to communicate further with you so that, should you wish to do so, you can redirect your letter accordingly. 
You will be glad to know that Kingsley has at least completed his reproduction of Tryon's painting entitled, "Rising Moon-- Autumn". It is the one in my collection which you have always liked so much. Kingsley's blook gave a few very fine proof's, which have been divided between Tryon, Kingsley, and myself. One of the finest has been laid aside for you, and I shall take much pleasure in forwarding it to your Stamford address within a day or two. Will you kindly accept it with my compliments. 
You are very well I trust. We are all well here but I have been extremely busy all summer. Am preparing to start on a little vacation next week. I hope the coming winter will bring me more leisure than I had last winter, and I trust to have the pleasure of seeing you more frequently than I have found it possible in the past.
With best regards,
Faithfully yours,
Mr. James H. Williams
St. Cont

Transcription Notes:
Illegible initial between James and Williams Illegible below name signature