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October 7th, 1898.

Mr. Bernal Bagshaws,
Blairquhan Castle, Maybole, N.B.
My dear Mr. Bagshaws:-
Delays on the part of the photographer together with an unusual rush of business affairs, which have fallen to me, have prevented earlier execution of the promise I made you some time ago to send to you photographs of Col. Hecker and myself. I am glad to say this matter is now receiving attention and I am sending you by post to-day the two photographs. The on e of Col. Hecker is in his uniform and for that reason will, I think, be all the more interesting to you. He is now en route to Cuba as chief of a committee appointed by the War Department to investigate harbors, warehouses, railways, and in fact all matters pertaining to the transportation of troops and supplies for same in Cuban and Porto Rican harbors. You will at once recognize the importance of his duties and will, I am sure, feel like congratulating our Government upon securing the services of a man so well qualified to look after such work. 
You are very well I trust. We are all well here and are in the midst of a busy period. We are now turning out an average of 85 cars per day and look for a very good business during the coming winter. I take pleasure in handing you enclosed herewith a copy of our last annual report, just issued. 
With best wishes, believe me, 
Faithfully yours,
Charles L Freer