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March 14th, 1899.

Mr. George R. Turnbull,
V.P., Guaranty Trust Co. of New York,
65 Cedar Street, New York City.

My dear Mr. Turnbull:-

On receipt of yours 11th instant I at once began negotiations with the Mechanics Bank of Detroit looking to the securing of the Michigan-Peninsular Car Co. Bonds, Coupons of which were sent for collection through the Mechanics National Bank of New York. Mr. Currie of this city is handling the matter for me and I hope to secure whatever bonds they have. 

I have purchased during yesterday and to-day as follows:-

From McLellan and Anderson Savings Bank --- 9 bonds
From Thomas S. Jerome, -------------------- 1 bond.
From H. A. Harmon, ------------------------ 2 bonds
From Samuel Baugh, ------------------------ 2 bonds

I expect to-day or to-morrow to secure from J. B. Baugh 11 bonds and from R. D. Field 3 bonds. We are vigorously tracing everything in Detroit and expect to capture everything there is here this week. There are a few bonds owned by a friend of mine who lives in Spring Lake, Michigan and I expect to have his to-morrow or next day.

Mr. George H. Russel, President of the State Savings Bank left for New York last night and at my request took with him 26 Michigan- Peninsular Bonds, which I asked him to deposit with your Trust Company with the understanding that he should be paid 105 for them the day that settlement is made with the Central Trust Company. This he has consented to do. Will you kindly receive them accordingly.

Yours very truly, Charles L Freer

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