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November 9th, 1898. 

My dear Tryon:- 

In sending you that telegram of last week I thought perhaps you could get from it a glimmering of a certain truth which had been told to me in confidence and which I could not impart even to you. At the same time it afforded an opportunity to give you a little razzle dazzle on your clam farm. I have been in the midst of many business affairs during the last two weeks and reached home only yesterday. Your letter had been forwarded to me but I had no opportunity to reply. Along with other mail I found a letter from my friend John Caldwell, Chairman of the Art Committee of the Carnegie Art galleries, the original of which I enclose herewith. You will notice the galleries are anxious to buy the picture and their choice is so admirable I really find it very difficult to deny them. Am satisfied that old Carnegie really intends to do the square thing down there in Pittsburgh, and he is fortunate in having such an appreciative man as John Caldwell connected with the gallery. Caldwell is a great lover of Whistler's art and has a fine collection of his etchings and you can understand it was no easy matter for me to write his as I did. I enclose herewith a copy of my letter to Caldwell. What do you think? Does it fill the bill properly?

It is quite likely I shall have to be in New York within ten days when I shall take pleasure in looking you up and we can then have a drink together on the strength of the prize. I suppose New York seems very noisy and disagreeable, but I hope you return to it sufficiently loaded with Buzzard's Bay serving to carry you over the winter. 

With love to Mrs. Tryon and yourself, I am, 

Yours ever,

Please return the Caldwell letter after you are through with it.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 09:52:38 Corrected "Does it fit" to "Does it fill" Added "I" to "It is quite likely I shall" Corrected "loaded with Buzzard's Bay needing" to "loaded with Buzzard's Bay serving" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 10:48:07