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April 10th, 1899.

Mr. Charles L. Freer,
Care Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City.

Dear Sir:-

I am in receipt of your favor of 7th instant advising me that you have issued checks of C.L. Freer for $288.940.65 and Frank J. Hecker for $260.138.48, in favor of Hecker and Freer, in settlement of the respective accounts for loans, interest, etc., and note that you have deposited same with the Guaranty Trust Co. of New York to credit of Hecker and Freer's account. Same has been given the necessary attention and entries made to-day.

I also note by your favor of same date that you have issued Charles L. Freer checks, as follows:-

#40, F.W. Mann, $200.00
#41 D.W. Tryon, "Sunrise" $1500.00
#42 Society of American Artists, for sketch by Thayer, $500.00

These have also received the necessary attention to-day.

Yours truly,
H.A.B. Aikman

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-24 10:01:34