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November 11th, 1898 

Mr. G. M. Fairchild, Jr., 
Cap Rouge, P. Q. 

My dear Mr. Fairchild:-

I am just home after a months absence and find the various remembrances you so kindly sent including a clipping from the New York Times concerning the Whistler Exhibition. I did not have an opportunity to visit the same, but I am sure you will be interested to know that I have just completed the purchase of the Seymour Haden collection of Whistler’s etchings, a few of which were in the exhibition above mentioned and gave to it its peculiar charm. This collection includes the work done by Whistler during the early years of friendship which existed between Whistler and Seymour Haden, who, you will remember, married Mr. Whistler’s sister. The collection is absolutely unique in perfect and varied states of Whistler’s most important things. When you are next in Detroit, I will take pleasure in showing you these very charming things. 

During my recent absence, I spent two delightful weeks in the mountains of Virginia and am now squared away for a busy winter of business. The matters which have accumulated during my absence make it impossible for me to find time to communicate with you except by the aid of a stenographer.
Thanking you sincerely for your many favors, I remain,

Sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

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