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November 14th, 1898.

To whom it may concern:- 

The bearer hereof, Mr. Herbert C. Ely, has been in the employ of this Company and one of its predecessors about eight years, having started at one of the lower desks and gradually, by sheer force of merit and application, was given [[?]] and varied clerical duties. During the greater part of the year [[?]] this time he was engaged in outside work for us. He has always performed the duties assigned to him very satisfactorily. His habits are good; he is honest and reliable. His connection with this Company was severed for reasons which I will gladly name to any person interested. The cause in no wise reflects upon Mr. Ely and I cheerfully recommend him to anyone desiring the services of a young,intelligent,capable and conscientious man. 

Yours truly,
Charles L Freer
Managing Director.

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