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April 27th,1899.

Mr. C. H. Williams,
Care Estate W.M.Wilson, Sheffield, Mass.

Dear Sir:-

I have your letters of 24th and 25th instants and note the same fully. I have to-day written to Mr. Morton concerning the quarry. Since seeing you I have purchased the Bishop Farm and after I return from Europe I shall probably take steps to carry out some improvements thereon. In the meantime, however, the property remains under the full charge of Mr. Bishop as heretofore.

I was in Chicago yesterday and saw the executors of the Wilson Estate. I also saw Mrs. Wilson. I wish that as soon as you can do so conveniently you would have all of the soiled linen, if any is in that condition, cleaned, after which lay out half-a-dozen bath towels and one dozen face towels, which Mr. Dewing and I will need when we are at the farm next fall, also keep the two beds with their bedding intact, as they were when we were last at the farm. All the rest of the linen and bedding please have carefully boxed and ship by freight to Mrs. W.M. Wilson, #4551 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The charges on the shipment will be paid at Chicago. As soon as you have made the shipment send a list of the articles so shipped to Mr. W.O. Jacquette, care Pressed Steel Car Company, Empire Building, New York City, who will advise Mrs. Wilson.

I shall be in New York on May fifth and on the following day, Saturday May sixth, sail or the steamer "Ems" for Italy. I hope that yourself and family will enjoy good health and that all will go well with the farm during my absence.

Yours very truly.

Transcription Notes:
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