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April 27th,1899.

Mr. F. S Church,
1512 Broadway,
New York City.

My dear Church:-  

Check was sent a day or two ago to Mrs. Herbert for the prints of "Knowledge is Power" and I trust is in her hands ere this. It would have been sent earlier but for my absence and an extraordinary pressure of business.

I am this week finally cleaning up the winter's work and shall sail for Italy on the "EMS" Saturday May 6th. I will be in New York a day or so before sailing and hope to have the pleasure of seeing you. You will be glad I am sure to know that I am practically through with the car business and when I get back from Europe I will have time enough to be more decent towards my friends.

Wish best regards, I am.

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
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