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November 14th, 1898 

F. Keppel, Esq., 
20 East 16th Street, New York City.

Dear Mr. Keppel:-

I am sending addressed to your store, by express today, two copies of Kingsley’s latest engraving after Tryon’s painting entitled "The Rising Moon, Autumn", the original of which you will probably remember having seen at my house.  One of these prints I beg you to accept with my compliments. The other copy I will be pleased to have you frame and when finished forward to Mr. James B. Williams, Stamford, Connecticut, and send bill for the framing to me. Not long ago you framed a drawing for Mr. T. W. Dewing in a simple brown wood frame with a grey mat.  I wish you would use the same framing material, but make the mat dull white instead of grey. 

The block from which these prints were pulled took Kingsley a long time to accomplish, and while his methods are entirely contrary to academic work, I think he has succeeded admirable in his interpretation of Tryon’s very subtle work. The block gave only a very few impressions, none of which are for sale and it is the intention of the engraver, the painter and myself to distribute the very few there are amongst appreciative admirers. 

With cordial greetings, I remain, 

Yours very truly, 
Charles L Freer

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 11:15:30