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May 1st, 1899.

Mr. John McE. Ames:
Care American Oar and Foundry Co.,
Barwick, Pa.

Dear John:- 

Replying to recent inquiry I would say that you doubtless have forgotten the word I gave you concerning the dividend on Michigan-Peninsular shares. It was necessary for proceeds of dividends to go to the deal owner of the stock. The postmortem dividend, when paid, will go to you. As no interest has been charged you for carrying the stock you of course have not been out much, if anything, by loss of dividends heretofore paid. Mr. Aikman will send you a note for the balance due and the collateral will be attached to the note after it is returned as per your request. I am glad that the deal has turned out so nicely for you.

I am to sail for Europe on Saturday next and as there is little likelihood of our meeting before that time, I take this occasion of saying good bye and in addition of offering you my sincerest wishes that you will meet with every success in your new field of labor.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

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