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Detroit, Mich., May 17th,1899.

Mr. E. N. Dickerson,
Care Dickerson and Brown, 
Washington Life Building, 145 Broadway,
New York City.

Dear Sir:-

I am in receipt of your favor of the 15th instant enclosing your check for $1240.75 in favor of Mr. C.L. Freer, being payment of Dividend No. 1 for 99 shares of the Preferred Capital Stock of the Pressed Steel Car Company standing in your name, owned by Mr. Freer. Your impression of t these are shares which you endorsed to Mr. Freer and that he did not transfer them in time for the dividend, is correct.

Please accept my thanks for your prompt remittance.

Yours truly,
H.A.B. Aikman

Transcription Notes:
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