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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Mich., June 21st, 1899.

Mr. W.O. Jacquette,
Empire Building, 71 Broadway, New York City.

Dear Sir:-

I find that I have not heretofore acknowledged receipt of the certificates of stock of the Pressed Steel Car Company enclosed to me in your favor of the 16th ultimo, as follows:-

#A.485, 10 shares Preferred, in name of W.J. McBride
#A.484, 34 shares Preferred, in name of F.W. Mann.
#A.483, 6 shares Preferred, in name of D.W. Tryon.

The stock reached me safely, and I am obliged to you for your kind attention to the transfer. I enclose fifty cents in revenue stamps being the amount expended by you at the time of the transfer.

Mr. D.W. Tryon's address will be South Dartmouth, Mass., for some time to come, probably until next fall, after which time he will advise you of any change thereof.

Yours very truly,
HAB Aikman