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Detroit, Mich., June 21,1899

Mr. D. W. Tryon,
South Dartmouth, Mass.

Dear Sir:-

I am in receipt of your favor of the 15th instant and have pleasure in handing you herewith enclosed certificate No.A.483 for 65 shares Preferred Capital Stock of the Pressed Steel Car Company, issued in your name.  Kindly favor me with an acknowledgement.  In the event of change in your address, kindly notify Pressed Steel Car Company.

In regard to that part of your letter requesting that I see that you get dividend checks for whatever may be coming to you in that respect. This 65 shares was originally issued in Mr. Freer's name and the dividend of 1,3/4% thereon was paid to him, the transfer of the stock to you having been made when the books re-opened after the payment of such dividend. I have no instructions from Mr. Freer regarding the [[cutoff]] of this dividend to you, but very possibly it was an oversight on [[cutoff]] part, and I will take pleasure in bring the matter before him [[cutoff]] his return to Detroit, all of which I trust will be in accordance your wishes.

Yours very truly,
HAB Aikman

Transcription Notes:
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