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June 22nd, 1899.

Robert Barr, Esq.,
Hill Head,
Woldingham, Surrey, England.

Dear Sir:-

Mr. Freer has been extremely busy during the few days spent in Detroit prior to his departure for Europe on the sixth instant, and before leaving he directed me to forward to you the documents enclosed herewith viz:-

Copy of
Deed from Henry J. Ritchie to C.L. Freer and Robert Barr dated May 14th, 1888, covering the following described property: 

"Lot on block 44 being part of the J. Allen Smith grant &c"

also Copy of
Your Power of Attorney to Mr. Freer empowering him to dispose of the same.

Mr. Freer desires you to be possessed of copies of these papers and expects to have the pleasure of seeing before he returns to Detroit and to discuss the matter with you.

He also instructs me to send you photographs of his house, as per your request made some time ago through Mr. Jerome. I am sending the photographs to you by mail under separate cover.

Yours very truly,
HAB Aikman

Transcription Notes:
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