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915 Union Trust Building, 
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 11,'99. 


Mr. Henry A Bishop, 
Care Purchasing Agent's Office, N.Y. N.H. & H. R.R., 
New Haven, Ct,

My dear Mr. Bishop:-
I have your personal favor of the 7th instant and thank you for the same. I returned home recently and expect to start east this afternoon. I shall be in New York the greater part of the week and will take pleasure in communicating with you by telephone while there. Possible I may be able to go to Sheffield for a day before returning home, but if I fail in this I shall make it a point to be at the farm two or three days at least during early October. Am glad to have your suggestions concerning the Guarthas and I would like greatly to talk with you concerning them and matters generally at our next meeting. I am inclined to think that if the Guarthas are good honest people, it would be wise to arrange for them to remain on the place another year at least, as it will be impossible for me to begin building operations before next spring at the earliest.
With much regards, I am,
Faithfully yours, 
Charles L Freer