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December 5th, 1898. 

Mr. Harrison S. Morris, 
Managing Director, Penn’s Academy of Fine Arts, 
Philadelphia, Penn'a. 

Dear Sir:-

I found your recent letter on my return home a day or two ago, but after reading it, it got mixed up with a lot of other mail and I have not been able to place my hands on it since, hence the order on the Carnegie Galleries has been mislaid. 

I can not very well decline your request to exhibit the Tryon asked for at your forthcoming exhibition, particularly as I am confident the artist is quite willing that you shall have it. If on receipt hereof, you will kindly send me to the Waldorf Hotel, New York, for my signature, an order on the Carnegie Galleries for the picture, I will be pleased to sign and return it to you. 

I particularly prize this Tryon and I hope you will be extremely careful of it and caution your men to be very careful in handling it. I have met with so much evidence of carelessness in handling pictures, that I have nearly decided to decline all requests for loans in future, and if it so happens that this very important Tryon should come home with damaged canvas of frame, I think it will be the last picture I will ever loan. 

The Whistlers I cannot let you have. The fact is I am getting tired of letting my best things go hither and thither and being without

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 15:59:23