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915 Union Trust Building, 
Detroit, Michigan, Sep. 27, 1899?

Mr. W. K. Bixby,
Care American Car and Foundry Co.,
Lincoln Trust Building, St. Louis, MO.

My dear Mr. Bixby:-

On my return from Chicago this morning I found your letter of the 25th instant and note same fully.  I judge that my reply to your telegram and the personal note sent to you yesterday from Chicago by Mr. Armstrong, make the facts quite plain to you.
Don't you think that the broker in St. Louis rather overestimates the importance of those circulars?  I doubt very much if the recent falling off in the price of American Car and Foundry Stock can be attri-buted to anyone thing as surely as to the very tight money market.  An examination of the transactions on the Board in New York during the last wee, will show you that the decline in prices has been general.  However the rumor being sent out from Chicago can be very easily answered and you are at perfect liberty of course to state the facts as I have given them to you, but in this use your own judgment.  I can fully understand that as President of the Company you realize the importance of contradicting erroneous rumors and if I were in your place I would not hesitate to deny them.

I fancy that a letter addressed to F.S. Church, New York City, would scarcely reach him.  His address is 1512 Broadway.  Jot this address down in your pocket note book and whenever you are in New York and have time to do so, make it a point to run in and see him.  I am sure you will find a hearty welcome awaiting you.

Nothing especially new here.
With best regards, I remain,
Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 12:51:52