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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Mich., September 30th, 1899.

Mr. George R. Turnbull,
Care Guaranty Trust Co., 
65 Cedar Street, New York City.

Dear Mr.Turnbull:-

I have your favor of the 27th instant advising me that you have purchased one hundred shares of Michigan-Peninsular Car Company Preferred from Mr.Duggins at 101, and enclosing statement which shows that after allowing me credit on the account for the 50% cash payment made on these shares by the Michigan Peninsular Car Company, the proceeds of sale of fifty shares each Common and Preferred American Car and Foundry Company, dividend of 1,3-4% on fifty American Car and Foundry Preferred and sale of rights to M.P.Preferred post mortem dividend, that I am indebted to you in the sum of $677.00, for which I have very much pleasure in enclosing herewith my check on the Guaranty Trust Company,payable to your order. I am very much obliged to you for your kindness in making these purchases. 

No doubt you will be kind enough to see that the one hundred shares purchased from Mr.Duggin together with the two hundred purchased as per your advice to me of the 9th instant, are properly entered on the list of stockholders assenting to the sale of the Michigan-Peninsular Car Company. I would be glad if you will advise me that this has been done.

With personal regards, I am,

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer