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December 5th, 1898.

Mr. James Parmelee,
832 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. 

My dear Mr. Parmelee:- 

After nearly a week’s absence from Detroit I am home again and now take great pleasure in writing you more fully concerning Southern India. I have gone over my notes on that Country and after having thought considerably about it I am inclined to think Mr.Wade and his party, six in all, could make the trip without much inconvenience. I shall name herein the places of greatest interest and such points as I believe the party can be fairly well accommodated with food and shelter. 

In several places you will observe Railway Station accommodations. This is meant to indicate that in certain places there are no rest houses, and, in other instances, that while there are rest houses, the facilities for caring for travellers [[travelers]] are much better at the Railway Stations. 

I would advise that the party take steamer from Colombo and begin their travelling in continental India at Tuticorin. There is little to be seen at Tuticorin, but it being the seaboard and terminal of railways, it is the best place to start from.

Next, Madura, a celebrated city with important temples and good accommodations at the railway station.

Then, Trichinopoli [[Trichinopoly]], a very interesting place historically and celebrated for its great rock and old fortifications. Good accommodations at railway station.

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