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Detroit, Michigan, 

Allan MacLean Hamilton,M.D., 
44 East 29th St., New York City. 

Dear Doctor Hamilton:- 
I reached Detroit this morning and have told my friend, Mr. Jerome, who is associated with me in the Capri purchase, of the conversation had with you yesterday, and he is entirely satisfied with all that has been done. Mr. Jerome is a practicing lawyer and I have turned over to him the English translation of the deed, which you so kindly gave me yesterday. 

I shall leave town in a day or two to be absent until the early part of November and I have said to Mr. Jerome that in the event of his desiring any further information about the property, to communicate with you direct. He and I have arranged to go to New York somewhere between November 8th and 10th so as to meet yourself and Mr. [[?]] again before he sails for Capri. 

Should you find the photographs of which you spoke yesterday, I should be very pleased indeed to [[?]] address them to [[?]] 33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit.

In my hasty answer to your note of yesterday, which I rushed off just as I was leaving the hotel for the train, I fear I failed to mention the fact that neither Jerome's father nor mine are living.

Referring to our talk of yesterday concerning country places. Should you decide to buy, I wish you would look at the property near Sheffield which I spoke of as belonging to an estate of which I am the manager. It is a fine property and one that can easily be made extremely attractive. It is very accessible from New York, and if you would care to see it, I will be happy indeed to send you a permit. 

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
3 [[?]]s ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 22:24:52