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J.P. 2. 

Drive to Seringham about two miles distant from Trichinopoli and visit the largest temple in India. A very imposing place. 

Then to Tanjore, where is situated the great Pagoda. Stop at Dak Bungalow; visit ramparts to see huge guns and interesting scenery; good place for brass work. 

Then to Chilambaram. At Chilambaram stop at Dak Bungalow. Fine temple; very interesting sect of Brahmins in charge, and arrange in advance for nautch dance. The dance will be given in the temple by the girls belonging thereto and it is the only place I know of in all India where the olden time forms are adhered to. It is necessary to be rather liberal with the chief priests of this temple, but I know of no place where "backsheesh" gives better returns. 

Then to Madras, where there are good hotels and if have time go to Mahabalipur. 

Then to Bangalore, a very interesting place to avoid the heat for a couple of days. There is an excellent hotel here. 

After Bangalore, go to Mysore. 

Then to Haidarabad,where an excellent hotel,nicely located, is to be found. Haidarabad is a very interesting city and before leaving I advise trips by carriage to Secunderabad and Golconda. 
Then by rail to Bijapur,where will be found very remarkable architectural ruins. It may seem rather a long journey,but it is a place that one cannot afford to omit seeing. Better cut out Mysore than fail in getting to Bijapur. The Dak Bungalow at Bijapur is a temple devoted to caring for bodily rather than spiritual wants and is very good

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 10:59:15 Corrected "Five temples" to "Fine temple;" Corrected "dautch dance" to "nautch dance" Corrected "older time" to "olden time" Corrected "Mahabulipur" to "Mahabalipur" Corrected "architectural rains" to "architectural ruins" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 16:07:01 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 16:31:32 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 16:51:39