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of the sale of the [[Bugnon??]] is evidently an after thought.

I can see no reason why you should pay it [[now?]] [[&]]  either for that matter. Still if it must be done you shall not be the loser.

You must let me reimburse you.

Mr. Kennedy has led me into several other [[?]] trails and in the future I shall have no further dealings with him either direct or indirect.

Last year he gave me through my friend Mr. Dewing an option on the other three Whistlers bought from you and when I declared it [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] a change of price – a considerable [[advance?]], was made by him and other conditions named which made it impossible for us to agree so I don't know into whose hands the pictures will eventually fall. Not mine of course.

With kindest regards to yourself and family.
[[Believe?]] me
Yours sincerely,
Charles L. Freer

Alfred Chapman, Esq.
17 York St.
Liverpool, England

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 22:49:06